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Day 2 - Untamed Iceland

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We arrived in Reykjavik in the early AM after an overnight flight. WOW is not just the name of Iceland's low-cost airline... it accurately describes what the locals themselves call Untamed Iceland. Iceland is about the same geographic size as Kentucky, and has a population of about 310,000 people, making it the 176th most populous country... so Unspoiled Iceland might be as accurate a description. Well over half of the island's population lives in the capital, Reykjavik.

We had breakfast at our hotel and got acquainted with our 14 fellow travelers and our tour guide, Beggie. Then Jan went on a walk about the city with the others while I took a short nap. Jan left the group to their shopping then and came back to the hotel so we could go check out the local hot spring (I know, some things are so predictable). We weren't disappointed... these people know from relaxing in hot water! The lockers and locker room systems are state of the art, all computerized... I got scolded for not doing things in the right order as far as showering and keeping the floor of the locker areas dry. I was properly contrite, and the guy felt bad about being so hard on me, I guess... on my way out to the pools, he caught up to me and said, 'You're American? Obama good man!' I gave him a thumbs up, and we shook hands and parted best of friends!

We ended our first day in Untamed Iceland with a very civilized Welcome Dinner at our Hilton Hotel. We had a great group of people, all interesting and curious and well traveled. In the small world department, one of the men is a math professor who happens to live near and play in bridge tournaments with Jan's brother-in-law. And one of the men is a pediatrician who worked at Boston Children's Hospital at the same time Jan was there doing her graduate field placement.

Statue of the Unknown Bureaucrat

It didn't take us long to find hot water...

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